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Young male voters are flocking to Trump – but he doesn’t have their interests at heart | Steven Greenhouse

Young male voters are flocking to Trump – but he doesn’t have their interests at heart | Steven Greenhouse

IThe most astonishing thing I’ve seen in this year’s presidential campaign is the astonishingly large gap between the voting plans of young men and young women in November. Among women under 30, an overwhelming 67 percent plan to vote for Kamala Harris, while only 29 percent say they would support Donald Trump. Among young men, on the other hand, a majority – 53 percent – plan to vote for Trump, while 40 percent say they would support Harris, according to a New York Times/Sienna College poll. That’s a staggering 51 percentage point gender gap.

It’s easy to understand why so many young women are supporting Harris – she has an inspiring life story, is a champion of reproductive freedom, and would be the first female president to break the biggest glass ceiling ever. But I’m baffled why so many young men are supporting Trump.

Many of them seem to like Trump’s machismo. They like his tough talk. They see him as a symbol of traditional masculinity. But all of this raises an inescapable question: Should Trump be seen as a symbol of masculinity, given that he has bragged about grabbing women’s genitals, was convicted of sexual harassment, and had an affair with a porn star shortly after the birth of his child? That should not be anyone’s model of masculinity.

Many young men seem to admire Trump’s King of the Jungle charisma: He yells, he shouts, he boasts that no one can ever beat him (unless he cheats). But if you put aside Trump’s harsh words and look at his record, it’s clear that Trump has done very little for young men in his four years as president.

Oops, I should note that if you’re a young man making more than $1 million a year, Trump did a lot for you thanks to his huge tax cuts for the richest 1%. But for the more than 99% of young men making less than $1 million a year, sorry, for you, Trump did nothing at all except cut your taxes a tiny bit, a tiny fraction of the tax cuts he gave to the richest Americans.

I recognize that many young men feel uncomfortable with the Democratic Party, in part because some Democrats unfortunately view men as a problem – and sometimes as The Problem. If the Democrats were smart, they would see that Young men, like any other group in society, have problems that they need help with, such as affording a home, finding a well-paying job, getting health insurance, being able to afford college, and making enough money to support a family.

Regardless of what you think of Harris, the truth is that her policies will do far more for young men than Trump’s policies. It’s not even close. She is serious about helping young men and young women, and she has plans to do it.

Unlike Trump, Harris wants to tackle rising rents and real estate prices. She has promised to build three million new homes to reduce real estate prices. Another big step to make housing more affordable is the provision of a $25,000 grant for first-time buyers. Unlike Trump, Harris is also tackling the problem of high food prices – she has promised to take action against price gouging in supermarkets.

Health insurance and high health care costs are a problem for many young men. Trump will only make these problems worse. He has repeatedly promised to repeal Obamacare. That would be a disaster for millions of young men and women because they would no longer be able to get coverage through their parents’ health insurance until they turn 26. In addition, repealing Obamacare would drive up health care costs.

Many young people complain about their huge student debt. Trump is unwilling to help them; he has condemned the idea of ​​forgiving student loans. Harris, on the other hand, wants to expand Biden’s debt forgiveness program, which is very popular among young Americans. In addition, Trump has supported massive cuts to student aid – a move that would make it harder for young people to afford college. Harris is committed to making college more affordable by increasing student aid. In addition, she is taking a cue from what her running mate, Tim Walz, did as governor of Minnesota. He made Minnesota’s state universities and community colleges free for students from middle-class and lower-income families.

If you’re a young man frustrated with how poorly your job pays, you should know that Trump — doing his corporate allies a huge favor — did nothing to raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour. Harris, on the other hand, is a staunch supporter of a minimum wage increase.

Trump has made two big promises to make your life more affordable. Without giving specifics, he says he will cut auto insurance prices nationwide in his first 100 days in office. He also says he will cut energy and electricity prices in half in his first year in office. If you believe these far-fetched promises, then you’ll probably believe me when I say I have a bridge to sell you.

If you are a young father or hope to start a family one day, you should know that Harris’ policies will do you far more good than Trump’s. Harris knows how expensive it is to support a family, which is why she is calling for the introduction of a child tax credit of $3,000 per child per year, and $6,000 for a newborn.

To improve work-life balance, Harris has long pushed for the creation of paid family and medical leave so people can take much-needed paid time off to spend with their newborns or care for sick parents or children. (Most Republicans oppose a paid leave bill because their corporate donors oppose it.) Trump does not have similarly family-friendly policies—his main policy proposals are huge tax cuts for corporations and the super-rich, and high import tariffs that will drive inflation dangerously high.

Although many young Americans don’t realize it, Biden and Harris have worked hard to create good-paying jobs for those not in college. Biden and Harris fought to pass three major pieces of legislation—an infrastructure bill, a green energy bill, and a computer chip bill—that will create about a million jobs in construction, factories, and other sectors across the U.S., many of them union jobs with attractive benefits.

If you’re among the many young people at Starbucks, REI, Apple, or elsewhere who support unionization as a way to raise pay and improve working conditions, you should know that Harris is a strong union advocate and enthusiastically supports legislation that makes it easier to unionize. But billionaire Trump doesn’t like unions. As president, he and his appointees did dozens of things, big and small, to weaken unions and put obstacles in the way of workers who want to unionize.

There is no denying that Trump’s tough talk is good for many young men. But tough talk is cheap. It doesn’t help anyone pay rent, afford college, or raise a family. Harris may not talk as tough as Trump, but her record and policies make it undeniably clear that she will do far more for America’s young men and women than Trump.

  • Steven Greenhouse, Senior Fellow at the Century Foundation, is an American journalist and author on work and the workplace


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