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What has happened to DANA’s meteorological weather to the point where it is “fría”?

What has happened to DANA’s meteorological weather to the point where it is “fría”?

(CNN Español) – There is a meteorological event that has historically been associated with disasters, floods and general rainfall damage. She appeared at DANA and colloquially said that she was “gota fría”.

In this context, the DANA has become a disastrous catastrophe and has occasionally carried out an event, especially between June and October in the Mediterranean, as explained by the Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET, before the National Institute of Meteorology). de España.

What kind of problem is this? There is an explanation on this topic below.

The INM noted that DANA carried the seal to forward it to the Depresión Aislada in Niveles Altos.

La DANA “is a pressure (or pressure) that exists in a high-altitude atmosphere and is formed by air cooling.”

I discovered that in meteorology, a pressure drop is “a zone of lower atmospheric pressure that is deepest than the air that lies on the ground,” at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, the place where many people in living in the air, in the air and in the air.

In the DANA there was a loss of pressure on the upper floors.

Why do I know that I have reached a high level? This pressure is determined by a stable belt in the troposfera and the lower stratosfera. These cinturones can serve the polar or subtropical choir, if the air is cold then AEMET.

Estas Corrientes de Aire en Chorro Suelen Dar Vueltas a Tierra, but your film is not directly online, but you have Ondulaciones, que a veces son tannunciadas que una masa masa de aire sestrangular and se corta, aislándose del flujo original , explains AEMET.

It was cold and fresh when I heard DANA’s original choir and flowed in depth so that there could be precipitation and better results.

“While one of these oscillations or coils (vaguadas, in meteorological language) is much amplified, it can become alienated and alienated, causing the pressure to release into the air or come to France.” “Indications that the air in the polar regions over lower latitudes than is normally airborne,” AEMET said.

AEMET believes that the DANA is not necessarily a natural disaster, but can occasionally be negotiated in winter and in the North Sea over zones such as the Mediterranean.

Una DANA could transform a range of affects into her dreams and dreams, but that’s not so bad. However, just a few seconds before DANA caused major damage, AEMET indicated.

However, the DANA should not be a cause for alarm in anyone’s mind, only out of greater alert and precaution.


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