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The Venezuelan singer Rudy Márquez mumbled in Medellín: 81 years old

The Venezuelan singer Rudy Márquez mumbled in Medellín: 81 years old

Venezuelan singing in Medellín - Crédito soyrudymarquez/Instagram
Venezuelan singing in Medellín – Crédito soyrudymarquez/Instagram

The Venezuelan singer Rudy Márquez fell on October 9th in Medellín (Antioquia) after informing his acquaintances.

The artist turned to the Las Americas clinic in the capital of Antiquities for 81 years and was able to avoid harsh treatment for pancreatic cancer.

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During his last days in Colombia, Márquez was accompanied by his acquaintances at all important moments. With an official announcement on Instagram, he informed the artist: “I have deeply announced that the day has passed on October 9, 2024Our Querido Rudy Márquez fell in the city of Medellín, Colombia while he was battling a tough battle with cancer“, inform your family in the document.

Acquaintances confirm the decision of the Venezuelan singing in Medellín – Crédito soyrudymarquez/Instagram
Acquaintances confirm the decision of the Venezuelan singing in Medellín – Crédito soyrudymarquez/Instagram

“Due to his fiscal participation, he is sure that his music will remain alive and he has turned into classics that remain in the memory and the warmth of all his fanatics,” revealed his family in one of the communicative separations.

“Será recordedado por sus extraordinary voce, las grandes histories de amor y desamor que están plasmadas en las letras de sus canciones y mantener presente the genero de la balada. Rudy Márquez por siempre será nuestro ‘eternal romantic’”Agregó.

Rudy Márquez left an indelible mark on Latin music with his iconic themes Ella no volvió, My years with ella and Juro for my life, Los Cuales se consolidaron como verdaderos himnos del love y el desamor.

With my voice, irresistible and full of emotions, I became one of the most representative figures of general romantic dance in Latin America in the 70s and 80s.

81 years ago the Venezuelan fell in Medellín – Credit: soyrudymarquez/Instagram

From the official letter of the Venezuelan artist followed a message for everyone who accompanied them with a video: “I despido with love and gratitude for instant sharing. When I traveled, I received a song every time, a song and all the hearts I hear with every song. Feel the love of a public incredible. Gracias vida, gracias mundo. Cuídense mucho.”

When I immediately heard the reactions and the speeches, he said: “My Hermanito, I have left boldly… I love you… and I wish you, Dios, to receive him and return home from the eternal Paz… you trust me Venezuela, in San Cristóbal ….” this cobijo… I regalaste tu amistad a minute from Verme… amistad que creció por mehr medium siglo… y no acabará jamás… buen viaje hermanito… hasta siempre 🙏”; “😢😭 Nos dejas unas maravillas canciones siempre te recordaremos ❤️”; My wanted producer and friend Rudy. They live in our lives. Thank you for your confidentiality with me. Siempre te amararé 😢❤️”; I duel, I lastima. My favorite romantic music song 💔”; “Having received a very important musical legacy, I have just reached the Day of Resurrection”; “Paz a su alma maestro 🙌😢 GRACIAS por ese legado que nos dejas a los amantes de la buena música balada vuela alto 🙌😢”: fueron algunos mensajes.

The author is interned in a clinic in the capital Antiqueña – Crédito soyrudymarquez/Instagram
The author is interned in a clinic in the capital Antiqueña – Crédito soyrudymarquez/Instagram

Rudy Márquez is a conciliatory singer and composer from Venezuela who began his career in the decade of 1960 Go Impala, An influential Venezuelan rock band that performed versions of international releases.

When he split up the band, Márquez began his solo career and fell under the spell of balada and pop. Particularly popular in the 70’s and 80’s, and some of its prominent figures include themes like this My love, you go to me, Sharon.

Their music had a significant impact in Venezuela and in various Spanish countries and was consolidated as a reference for Romantic music.


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