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The meaning of the full Hunter Moon in Aries for October – and why you need to be on your guard

The meaning of the full Hunter Moon in Aries for October – and why you need to be on your guard

Cry for your healing, my babies.

On October 17, 2024, the full Hunter Moon in Aries rises and rages.

The full moon peaks at 24 degrees of Cardinal Fire, and to make matters even more riotous, it will be conjunct Chiron, our main pain point.

This moon is also a supermoon, and it is not only the largest and brightest full moon of 2024, but also the most charged and demanding.

When is the full moon in October 2024?

This week’s full moon is also a supermoon. manbetta –

The full Aries supermoon peaks at 7:27 a.m. EST on October 17, but we will feel the effects of this lunar phase in the days before and after this peak.

Full Moon in Aries 2024

The Aries Supermoon is particularly powerful this year. allexxandarx –

This Full Moon falls on the Libra/Aries axis, or the axis of the proverbial I and partner We. Libra is about partnership and Aries is about self. These two signs are respectively ruled by the divine feminine (Venus) and the archetypal masculine (Mars).

Libra wants peace at all costs and Aries wants progress at all costs.

Brilliant astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim of Inner Worlds Astrology told The Post that this full moon will be conjunct Chiron, our astrological source of suffering. The focus will be on how we were hurt and how and whether we choose to heal.

Chiron is named after the perpetually wounded centaur in Greek mythology who cared for Achilles. Getty Images

“The energy of this moon is difficult to tame because Aries is ruled by Mars and can easily be led astray by its impulses. This moon awakens emotions. Chiron speaks to our wounds, insecurities and moments of betrayal. These challenging feelings can come from any stage of our lives, from our childhood or from events that began in early April.”

The solar eclipse at the peak of totality, seen from Forth Worth, Texas, on April 8, 2024. AP Photo/LM Otero

Full moons reflect not only the actions and intentions initiated during the last new moon, but also what we put into action during the new moon in the corresponding zodiac sign.

Consider the questions raised, the bridges built or burned, the seeds planted, and the patterns initiated during April’s eclipse, for you will find them in full effect, exploding or cauterizing, right now.

In this case, as Grim suggested, let’s go back six months to the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8, 2024. Consider the themes presented, questions raised, bridges built or burned, seeds planted, and patterns initiated. It may be that they are now unfolding their full effect, exploding or cauterizing.

Aries Full Moon = Trigger Warning

The Aries full moon is full of firepower. Rodrigo –

The Full Moon in a sign ruled by Mars combined with our primary source of pain, coupled with the fact that this Moon is the Hunter’s Moon, gives new meaning to the term trigger warning.

“People have to deal with very sensitive situations that may or may not be directly related to past trauma,” noted Grim. “In an important relationship, someone might mention a certain word or a certain topic, and that triggers really difficult memories.”

He points out that caution is needed during this full moon as Aries is an impulsive, reactionary energy and Mars, our planet of war, will oppose Pluto, the planet of extremes.

“If someone chooses not to endure these more difficult emotions, a bitter situation can quickly arise where people project their anger onto others. I think almost everyone will struggle with someone in their life who is defensive or irritable.”

Astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim says the full moon in Aries is one of the most challenging days this year.

How do you respond when you find yourself in conflict? Grim said the best we can do is trade lit matches for a fist full of grace.

“Just recognize again that this person is also going through their healing journey. With all twelve signs, it is very important not to add fuel to the fire.”

Provocation can be the path to progress.

And on the positive side of the burning, provocation (Aries) can be the path to resolution (Libra).

“It’s all a means to an end, which is that we work through this healing journey with someone else or ourselves, dealing with that source of pain and really turning it into strength.”

During the full moon, Mars opposes Pluto. muratart –

Grim recommended approaching all situations with compassion and a goal of acceptance. Because Aries is all about uncompromising individualism, worshiping what you love about yourself while simultaneously letting go of any body shame or negative narratives about your appearance is a perfect recipe for harnessing this moon’s medicine.

“Instead of talking about ourselves like, ‘I’m just one in a million,’ remember that we are all one,” he said. “We are all gifted, and some things we are aware of actually make us unique.”

Meaning of the Hunter’s Moon

The name Hunter’s Moon comes from the practice of late fall preparation among predators, humans and animals alike. Jim Cumming –

The second full moon after the autumnal equinox is called the Hunter’s Moon, Sanguine Moon, or Blood Moon. The spilling of vital life force is the common thread between all three.

The name “Hunter’s Moon” comes from the autumnal tradition of hunters, both human and animal, searching for prey that was easier to spot among the newly harvested fields, thinning trees and the light of the full moon.

Supermoon 2024 in Aries

The full Hunter’s Moon is also a supermoon and therefore appears as a giant in the sky. William Volcov/Shutterstock

“Supermoon” is sexy shorthand for what astrologers call a perigee full moon, where the full moon appears brighter, bolder, and better because it is closest to Earth in its elliptical orbit.

Supermoons exceed the disk size of an average moon by about 8% and can appear 16% brighter.

Full moons are about fertility and closure. The shape of the shine itself is a metaphor for how we reach a climax, close circles and/or end cycles. A supermoon increases these effects due to its proximity; More insightful, more soulful, people.

Upcoming full moon

The next full moon falls on November 15th in the horned and horned zodiac sign Taurus. Nisit –

The next full moon is the Full Beaver Moon in Taurus, which will be bright, powerful and with bull horns on November 15, 2024.

Astrology 101: Your Guide to the Star

Astrologer Reda Wigle irreverently explores and reports on planetary configurations and their effects on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experiences. To book a reading, visit her website.


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