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“Sexist” flight attendant pulls female passengers over crop tops

“Sexist” flight attendant pulls female passengers over crop tops

They didn’t like so-called inflight fashion policing.

Two female passengers have accused a Spirit Airlines flight attendant of sexism after he allegedly kicked them off the plane because of their choice of clothing, as seen in a viral Instagram video.

“It’s just humiliating to be accompanied and treated like a criminal just because we wore crop tops,” one of the flyers, named Tara, told the Daily Mail, describing the alleged blouse arrest.

She and her friend Teresa were flying from Los Angeles to New Orleans to celebrate her birthday when the crew member picked her out.

Female passengers Tara and Teresa have accused a Spirit Airlines flight attendant of sexism after he allegedly kicked them off the plane because of their choice of clothing, as seen in a viral Instagram video. AP
“This is a terrible service that we are being kicked off a plane in 2024 because A MALE flight attendant doesn’t like our shirts,” fumed Teresa (pictured). Instagram / @teresa_aroundtheworld

The couple had reportedly boarded the plane wearing pants and sweaters, but had taken them off to cool off, prompting the flight attendant in question to reprimand them for their choice of runway attire.

“We were harassed by a male flight attendant who told us to ‘cover up’ because we were wearing crop tops,” Teresa wrote.

Things reportedly got heated after Tara asked the alleged fashion manager what policies they had violated.

In a video of the argument, the flight attendants can be seen asking the couple to turn off the camera as they protest their perceived meanness Spirited Treatment.

“There’s nothing that says you can’t wear a crop top,” one of the two stammers in the clip. “Dude, just relax.”

“What’s the problem, I don’t understand,” says another.

At one point, a fellow passenger explains: “A company can’t treat people like that.”

The couple filmed themselves being thrown out of the plane. Instagram / @teresa_aroundtheworld

Teresa wrote in the caption, “However, everyone else (including the flight crew) agreed that there was nothing wrong with what we were wearing and that crop tops did not violate their dress code.”

However, they claimed that crew members reprimanded passengers who tried to intercede on their behalf, including a lady with a toddler.

Eventually the situation escalated to the point where the passengers were thrown off the plane without a refund.

“He then continued to treat us poorly and gave us no explanation as to why he wanted to kick us out,” Teresa wrote. “Other passengers joined in and tried to defend us, but in the end a supervisor lied to us and said we would either get off the flight or she would call the police.”

Tara and Teresa claimed they contacted Spirit but received no response. Instagram / @teresa_aroundtheworld

She added. “She told us she was rebooking our flight and then when she got off the plane she said there were no flights and also refused a refund.”

As a result, travelers had to spend over $1,000 to book a new flight with another airline.

“This is a terrible service that we are being kicked off a plane in 2024 because A MALE flight attendant doesn’t like our shirts,” Teresa fumed. “Everyone working at the airport agreed that this was an act of prejudice, discrimination and misogyny and that we should take legal action. We spoke to the police who said the same thing.”

Tara and Teresa have since contacted Spirit about the couture crisis but have received no response.

According to the airline’s contract of carriage, a passenger may be asked to leave the aircraft if they are “inappropriately dressed” or if their clothing is of an “indecent, obscene or offensive nature.”

However, the couple claimed they contacted an airline representative who told them they had not breached the budget airline’s fashion standards.

“We called Spirit Support and they even said their dress code says nothing against crop tops,” Tara pointed out.


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