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MSD reminds parents of mobile phone guidelines

MSD reminds parents of mobile phone guidelines

The Milford School District recently reminded parents of its cell phone policy for students

The Milford School District recently posted its cell phone policy on social media to remind parents of its procedures regarding student cell phone use. According to the district, this is not a new policy, but one that will be more strictly enforced this school year.

“Cell phones should be turned off and not used during the school day,” said Trish Gerken. “The first offense will result in a written warning. The second will result in detention and contact with the parent/guardian. The third offense will result in two detentions and a positive behavior intervention plan and a meeting with the parent or guardian. For each subsequent offense, the student will receive one day of ISS and a plan review meeting.”

This reminder of the policy is the result of many districts developing additional rules regarding cell phones. Some districts use magnetic bags, where students put their phone in a special bag that is sealed and can only be opened by holding it to a magnetic source at the classroom door.

“This is just a reminder to parents, the policy has not changed,” said Matt Bucher, vice president of the Milford School Board, in a social media post sharing the policy. “The district is making it clear that it is being enforced.”

The district’s post explained the reason for cracking down on student cell phone use. According to the district’s information, cell phones lead to distractions from learning, negative impacts on school safety, temptation to engage in academic dishonesty, an increase in cyberbullying, social isolation, and an increase in mental health issues.

“Milford students should focus on problem solving, empathy, communication skills, work ethic and team building,” Gerken said.

Comments on this policy were mixed.

“Can’t they just take away the cell phones? If there is a family emergency, the school can be alerted and remove the student from class. Leave the cell phone in the classroom and pick it up at the end of the day,” Rose Marshall said. “If you get caught, there is an automatic suspension (which is unfortunately a greater punishment for the parents than the children). This is too lax.”

Many agreed with the plan and said it would be a significant improvement in the school situation. One school bus operator, Steve Peterman, hoped that the policy would be extended to school buses. Others said that if students had to follow the policy, then staff should too.

“I don’t have a problem with that as long as the staff are involved,” said David Wilkinson. “I don’t want it to be like the dress code. Students in uniform and staff, whatever.”

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