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I found a hidden tab on my boyfriend’s phone – what I saw there was so gross that everyone says I should RUN

I found a hidden tab on my boyfriend’s phone – what I saw there was so gross that everyone says I should RUN

A woman was disturbed when she discovered that her boyfriend left a “creepy” note on his phone recording how often they had sex.

The friend, who remains anonymous, has been with her partner for a year and describes their sex life as “healthy” – apart from one time when they didn’t have sex for five days.

“We had a situation once where I didn’t tolerate a new lubricant we tried, so we had to give up on it. And I just found out he keeps a record,” she said.

Her partner revealed the secret count after they both talked about “how good last night was,” after which he said it had been five days – while doing the count on his phone.

The disturbed woman found it “strange” to record the exact number of intimate encounters, so she decided to ask more questions. The answers were disturbing.

“His explanation was that he was keeping count to make sure there were no problems in our relationship … and that he was doing enough to keep me happy,” she said.

“He… keeps track of everything in his head, like whether he’s done the dishes often enough and whether he’s bought me flowers recently… but sex is the only thing he keeps a written record of.

“Then he said he’s done this with all of his ex-girlfriends and none of them had a problem with it and I’m the only one who did. It just feels weird to me.”

I found a hidden tab on my boyfriend’s phone – what I saw there was so gross that everyone says I should RUN

The friend claims he recorded the number of sexual encounters with each of his former girlfriends

The situation got even worse when the suspicious girlfriend asked if she could see the note on the phone itself, while her boyfriend claimed he had deleted it.

“My gut feeling is getting weirder and weirder. Would that make you feel weird? Or am I exaggerating?” she asked.

Most women agreed that this “big red flag” was scary, mysterious and controlling – and not something they would tolerate.

“This is totally weird and he is 100 percent lying when he says all his ex-girlfriends were okay with it, but they weren’t,” one woman said.

“That’s super immature and yuck,” agreed another.

“Yeah, no, I would go,” said a third.

Some people advised the woman to run away, especially because her gut feeling told her something was wrong – despite her boyfriend’s claims that his ex-girlfriends were okay with it.

“Using your ex-girlfriends as a reason why you should be okay with it is not … logical. All it takes is one person in a relationship having a problem with something for it to become a problem,” one woman said.

“Follow your gut. If you’re uncomfortable with this and he wants to resolve the issue, he needs to be open about it so that you both feel comfortable moving forward.”

Several people thought that their friend’s compulsive list-keeping might actually be a sign of an undiagnosed neurological disorder such as autism.

“I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this way. So many people jump to negative conclusions when it could simply be because they’re at the higher end of the spectrum,” said one woman.

Others argued that gender surveillance could be perfectly normal under certain circumstances.

“Some women pursue their sex for period or fertility reasons, it has no control,” said one.

“Is he trying to impregnate you without your knowledge?” asked another.

But whether it was okay to count the numbers or not, most people agreed that lying and deleting is not a good sign.

One Sex and the City fan said the original poster should wonder what Carrie Bradshaw would do.

“And Carrie would run,” she said.


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