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I am a Moszkvaba

I am a Moszkvaba

A little video from me, a miniszterelnök and Fideszes Holdudvarnak Magyarázza, milyen Gazdasági semlegességre keszül a kormány, most of the újabb részletet osztott sztott meg Orbán Viktor a kötcsei beszédéből:

Ebben Orbán was appointed, he was not even a man, he was a great man, he was not even the Fidesz candidate, he was a man, he was a man, and he was not yet able to do his business. The Fidesz members have already completed a new program, and recently, after making all kinds of changes, they received a correspondence with the government: Hungarian Government.

When I was new, the time was over, but I had no idea how long it took to get going en blokkba – mondja Orbán. (Ebből a szörnyű blokkosodásból egyébként annak idején Enver Hoxha Albániája tudott legjobban kimaradni, kérdés, mennyire sikeresen.)

Orbán started his professional career, he finished his career last season. Orbán was still in the air at that time when he shot in the air, and being born in a modern Magyar, he had a big problem.

“Egy dolgot ígértünk: hogy mi itt leszünk velük” – állítja most Orbán minden korábbi ígéretéről.

Ezek után több erős állítást is tesz:

  • “Nem Brüsszelben üldögélünk.”

It is no longer possible to become a new member of parliament, and the deputies of the Tisza party office have already received EP membership. The Azért így has already been in full swing since 2010, it has been recognized by the Fidesz Foundation as a member of the EP members and has dealt with the trade unions.

  • “Nem szaladunk el Moszkvába.”

This is the reason why Péter announced his opinion Today -, Orbán Viktor is 14 years old, 13 years old, Vlagyimir Putyinnal, July 18, 2011 – Moszkwában , EU-Miniszterelnökként Kirívóan még Ukrajna orosz lerohanása után is kilátogatott idén.

Orbán and Putyin Moscow 2024. July 5th.

Photo camera

Orbán and Putyin Moscow 2024. July 5th.


  • “Nem megyünk Amerikai ösztöndíjra.”

Orbán Viktor was founded by Németh Zsolttal in 1992 as a member of the German Marshall Fund and was fired by the US government. Péter was founded by Czuczor Gergely Bencés Gymnasium Harmadikos in 1995 and appeared in Soros Alapítvány in 1995.

Orbán was unable to raise his powers, he was unable to lower his powers, he was no longer able to end his life.


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