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Hawthorn trees look great in gardens, but be careful because of their pungent smell

Hawthorn trees look great in gardens, but be careful because of their pungent smell

Sometimes nature has a strange way of keeping us on our toes. Just when you think you’ve found the right landscaping idea to liven up your garden, you might be in for a surprise. Take the hawthorn tree, for example. This small, flowering tree from the rose family (Rosaceae) is stunning with its clusters of white or pink flowers when in full bloom—but if you get too close, you might catch a whiff of something cloyingly sweet that smells like it’s been rotting for days.


So why does something so beautiful smell so bad? Actually, it’s part of the tree’s survival strategy. The unpleasant smell comes from a compound called trimethylamine, which is one of the first substances produced when animal tissue begins to decay. This smell attracts good insects like bees and butterflies. By emitting this unpleasant smell, the hawthorn tree ensures that these insects come by and help with pollination. As they fly from flower to flower collecting nectar, they transfer pollen that helps the tree reproduce and bear fruit. Although the smell may be off-putting to human noses, it is crucial to the tree’s survival.

The place of the hawthorn in history and mythology

The hawthorn tree is interesting not only for its beauty and unusual stench, but also has a rich history. In Celtic mythology, the hawthorn was considered a sacred tree and was believed to be a gateway to the Otherworld where the fairies lived. Because of this, people were superstitious and did not cut it down or bring its branches into the house, as they believed this would upset the balance between our world and the fairy kingdom and potentially make the fairies unhappy. Hawthorn was also an important part of May celebrations as it is associated with spring. People loved to decorate hawthorn branches or make flower garlands to decorate their homes.


The hawthorn’s history is not all about beauty and festivity, however. In medieval England, the hawthorn’s strong smell led to its association with the plague, as it reminded people of the mass deaths of the time. This historical connection has only reinforced the hawthorn’s reputation as a tree with a dual nature – beautiful yet disturbing.

Why you might still want to have a hawthorn in your garden

Despite its smell and history, the hawthorn tree has a lot to offer. In spring, it attracts attention with its stunning clusters of flowers, which range from pure white to soft pink, contrasting beautifully with its dark green leaves. When the flowers fade, they are replaced by yellow foliage and bright red berries, called rose hips, which remain on the tree through the winter. These berries not only add a splash of color to your winter lawn, but are also a valuable source of food for birds and other wildlife. With something to offer in every season, it is a great choice for gardeners looking for something interesting all year round.


Keep in mind, however, that hawthorn can become invasive as it produces loads of seeds that birds love to disperse, which can create dense patches that crowd out other plants. It grows quickly and can cope with pretty much any conditions, so once it takes hold, it’s difficult to control. To keep it in check in your garden, prune it regularly to stop it setting too many seeds, and rip out any seedlings you spot. Mulching around the trunk can help prevent new growth. If things get out of control, you may need to use herbicides – just follow local guidelines and packaging instructions to keep everything safe.


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