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Harris-Walz is the wrong choice for LGBT Americans | Opinion

Harris-Walz is the wrong choice for LGBT Americans | Opinion

As president of an organization that represents millions of conservative LGBT people and their allies, I want to issue a warning: Don’t be fooled by Kamala Harris and Tim Walz’s attempt to reinvent themselves as moderate, pro-family, “not queer” Democrats who simply support LGBT equality.

Their agenda goes far beyond what our community has been demanding for decades, namely equal rights for LGBT Americans under the law. In reality, Harris and Walz are crusaders for a small but powerful cabal of the LGBT left that seeks to banish the concept of biological sex from society, expose young children to overtly sexualized and ideological content, and strip parents of their right to make important decisions about their children.

For this radical sect, the election of a Harris-Waltz administration would be a crowning achievement. And there is nothing wrong with that: If Harris wins in November, this wing of the LGBT left would not only have a seat at the negotiating table. It would be at the top and, with the stamp of the Oval Office, could quietly push its agenda through the entire federal bureaucracy and the regulatory state.

Consider what we already know about Kamala Harris and her record in the current administration.

Harris has supported the administration’s attempt to destroy Title IX, the historic civil rights law that secured equal rights for women in education, by completely removing the concept of biological sex from the law and replacing it with “gender identity.” This amendment, a top priority of the ideological and gender-obsessed LGBT left, would codify the admission of biological males into women’s sports and force educational institutions to comply, with dire consequences and lost opportunities for female athletes. Harris has never stood up for the women who have benefited from Title IX for the past 50 years. Her silence speaks volumes.

Thankfully, the courts have stopped the Biden-Harris administration’s changes to Title IX – for now. But let’s face it: If Harris is elected president, she will push these radical policies even further for the next four years.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz
Democratic presidential candidate U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, step off their campaign bus in Savannah, Georgia, on August 28, 2024, before traveling through Georgia for a two-day tour…

Getty Images/Saul Loeb/AFP

Harris has also been vocal in her opposition to common-sense efforts to ban gender identity “lessons” from young children’s classrooms, keep overly sexualized content out of school libraries, and keep parents involved in their children’s education. As vice president, she has made clear her disdain for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s law protecting Florida schools. As president, Harris would throw the weight of the federal government behind efforts to punish states and school districts across the country that defy it.

But what should worry families most is the agenda of a potential Harris-Walz administration that would deny parents any say in life-changing health decisions for their children. As governor, Tim Walz signed a law declaring Minnesota a “sanctuary” for minors seeking “gender-affirming treatment,” which can mean anything from hormone therapy and puberty blockers to irreversible surgery. Laws like this may sound tolerant and supportive of the LGBT community. In reality, however, they amount to the government endorsing dangerous and unproven treatments for children—there is little evidence that gender reassignment surgery leads to better outcomes for children with gender dysphoria—and pave the way for the state to strip parents of custody of their child if they don’t consent.

If this policy sounds radical, that’s because it is. In fact, it’s such an extreme step that even California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed a similar bill that would have required courts to consider “gender confirmation” in custody cases. Nothing about these drastic laws is family-friendly, but Walz’s eagerness to sign such a bill — and Harris’s willingness to nominate him as her running mate — speaks volumes about how much a Biden-Harris administration would embrace it as federal policy.

Democrats are trying to distract the public from their support for these radical ideas by stoking panic about President Donald Trump. They claim he will legalize discrimination against the LGBT community, reverse marriage equality, and target LGBT families. These attacks may sound scary—that’s the point—but they are all demonstrably false. President Trump not only supports marriage equality, a position he has held since he first ran for office in 2016, but he also supports IVF treatments that allow gay couples to have children and expanding the child tax credit to all families, including LGBT families. He believes, as his 2024 platform states, in “equal treatment for all.”

Equality is what the LGBT community has been fighting for for decades. We have largely achieved it. Yet far-left demagogues continue to stoke the fire, telling us that gender reassignment surgery for children, men in women’s sports, or tampons in boys’ bathrooms are the defining civil rights issues of our time. As LGBT conservatives, we don’t believe that. And voters shouldn’t believe that either.

Charles Moran is chairman of the Log Cabin Republicans.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author.


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