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Floods in Spain: 62 years ago a few people destroyed a siglo in Valencia
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Floods in Spain: 62 years ago a few people destroyed a siglo in Valencia

BARCELONA.- The Torrenciales, known as “Dana” or “Gota Fría” in the provinces of Valencia and Albacete, have provoked tragedy for the people in Spain in recent decades.

Like Picanya, across Valencia via the Paso of the unusual TormentaJOSE JORDAN – AFP

The balance of victims of the floods is very low for the last 62 months, But today, in the villages where emergency services are no longer available, many people are desperate but are unable to communicate to the Valencian General Authority. Its president, the popular Carlos Mazón, has limited himself to him “multiple victims” It is not possible to get an exact explanation. Los daños materials son también, hasta the momento, incalcalibles.

A man leaves the area of ​​his house in ValenciaAlberto Saiz – AP

After the disaster, the Congress of Deputies decided to suspend the government meeting scheduled for this week. The President, Pedro Sanchez, Chairman of the Mediation at the Moncloa Palace crisis committee, When I supported various ministers to take a second step for the “Gota Fría” impact.

One family’s integrators led across a waterlogged waterway to the area of ​​Picanya, near ValenciaJOSE JORDAN – AFP

“Pido a los ciudadanos que no bajemos la guardia, la dana continúa,” dijo Sánchez, in an embassy in the city.

It involved a series of motorway junctions in the affected zones, as well as connections to the railway companies, and they only had to spend 50 minutes between the airports of Madrid and Valencia.

According to the Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (Aemet), this is the case “I have received the greatest contradiction of the seal in a Valencian community”.

The “walking temperature,” also known as “dana” (“pressure suppression at high altitudes”), occurs when “the air is very cold because it deviates from the high temperatures of the atmosphere, leading to great instability and heavy precipitation.”

This product will be destroyed in Valencia JOSE JORDAN – AFP

A record of the inhabitants of Lluvia, as in Chiva, was made in the villages of the city of Valencia Cayeron in an hour ago about 500 liters in the metropolitan area, it was found that a water equivalent since rainfall occurred in the region in a year.

The streets are convirtieron en verdaderos río de barro y escombros en ValenciaAlberto Saiz – AP

Due to its geography, with mountains and barrancos of a remarkable difference in altitude up to 50 kilometers from the sea, it is an area that approaches the “riadas” or bordamientos of the rivers and the episodes of the Lluvia Intensa. sin embargo, I had often tried using force to use a water drum.

Cars apilados to Paso de DANA in Valencia JOSE JORDAN – AFP

The devastation of millions of people for many families It is not possible to locate his confidants using the mediation that drives communication between victims. El desbordamiento del Rio Magre provoked the flooding of various communities, such as: B. Roads and train routes that connected Madrid with Valencia.

On social networks you can see some videos of visitors with their dilapidated plantations and scattered cars, turbulent rivers, arrastrando arboles and all kinds of vehicles This also includes the Puente de Paiporta, as it is responsible for paper.

Cars amontonados in Picanya, cerca de ValenciaJOSE JORDAN – AFP

Hundreds of thousands of people spent the evening in high-rise buildings, corridors in industrial poles like Ribarroja, or with the technology in their homes or maintenance stations in search of a rescue that they had not lost.

Dana, temporal en España

In Valencia, A rescatista can save a person attacked by the floods along with their dog. At the moment the emergency call center brought the victim into the office and was shot up from a helicopter.

Dana in Spain

The outrage over the delayed response of the emergency and health services ended with the outrage of the Angustia Fueron. For example, the telephone can cause despair for families as part of the Generalitat Valenciana collapses. The failure of the preview was also criticized Lentitud de algunos servicios de alarma, If you contact the city’s mobile networks directly, in some cases you can wait until the seventh month to be late. Yes, the time period was about 20 days ago, it was an hour before.

A picture desoladora tras el Paso de la TormentaAlberto Saiz – AP

The spaces dedicated to the time and the announcements advertised by the markets about the prospect of the future in the Valencian coast and in the other regions of Castile-La Mancha had no imminent catastrophe.

AEMET has raised the millions to the 8th flight level and is now maximum red, for the city of Valencia. I’ve calculated that I’ll have to pay between 150 and 180 liters per subway station before ending up paying between 300 and 450 liters at the final station.

Rescates de Dana

She spent this week very intensively in the colonialist regions such as the interior of Castile-La Mancha, Murcia and Andalusia. If you wait until the next few hours in the provinces of Castellón, Cuenca and Teruel, it is likely that the water shortage will be even shorter.

Calles de Picanya end in Barro and Escombro streetsJOSE JORDAN – AFP

The disaster in Spain lasted a few days later Flooded graves in central Europe This provokes the death of 24 people. Los experts advised de que, debido al Air conditioningit is a type of extreme weather events that cause human tragedies and graves that contain recurring materials, but the forecast must soon surpass the umbral of increasing the earth’s temperature by 1.5 degrees compared to pre-industrial times.

Photos: AP and AFP

Photo editor: Fernanda Corbani

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