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Expliseat opens in a new building near Angers

Expliseat opens in a new building near Angers

The Red Ruban is a coupe. On arrival, the sieges have been assembled for several months on the Avrillé site, near Angers. In 2011, the Parisian company Expliseat opened its first assembly-use, or factory under siege, which looked without equal in the world. “Our models only cost 40% more than a penalty,” says Amaury Barberot, president of Expliseat. The company promises a CO economy2 from 3 to 7% on volumes by all sieges. To save, the company uses parts made of carbon and titanium composite materials. More than 10,000 sieges will go into production in 2025. Currently there are more than 32,000 sieges and more factories.

The 6,000 m² Expliseat building is located on an old industrial site – Photo: Benjamin Robert

Around 80 salaries in 2026

Founded in 2011, the company, resting discreetly on its trade secret, had gotten out of control. With this new use, it triples its revenues in the 2024-2025 period. It must now recruit a penny salary. For this reason, a quarantine has been ordered on the 6,000 m² property for the people who stay there. Currently, the use includes 80 employees until the 2026 horizon.

“It is important in our first appearance of thunder a second time in a déjà industrialisé”

Broadly speaking, this US Aura cost “5 and 10 million euros” and gave direction. Through this financing, the company benefited from the first application, was operated by Bpifrance and helped the region to finance 1.5 million euros. The Aura was also on site, having granted 17 million euros last year to the SPI (Société de projets industriels) fund, created by Bpifrance in the squad of France 2030, by Go Capital, by NCI and by BNP Paribas Développement .

The establishment is an old industrial site, made on site for habitat and industry. “It is important that we turn to an industrial site for a second time,” says Amaury Barberot. In fact, it was a long time ago when the objective of the Zéro Artificialisation Nette (ZAN) began to find a new terrain for industry. “Avrillé se reconstruit sur elle-même,” courtesy of Caroline Houssin-Salvetat, mayor of the town.

The site was commissioned by Air France to communicate the last model of the Siege of Expliseat, under the name Tiseat, retained by Air France to integrate the cabins of the Embraer 190 fleet.

Explain, upon arrival at the station

Expliseat is also a diversifier. In two weeks, the company was released from the first siege for the Ferroviaire sector. “In the end, aviation represents two levels of our activity, for one level for the train,” explained Mark Pfeiffer, Vice President in charge of sales and diversification.

The two marched not without the distinctive features of their heroes. “The siege of a train by attacks, crossings and vandalism. They have to do even more damage,” said the vice president. In addition, a commander in the railway could easily reach 25,000 sieges. There are many orders that may be more than a year old.

Declare a déjà-noué of two contracts in the department, not with the SNCF, Sieges author who sees the equivalent of the sieges of the trains of Ouigo. “Les sieges seront dans un premium temps fabriqués ici, à Avrillé,” said Mark Pfeiffer. But since the site represents a first beautiful use for Expliseat, it is not certain that it is not at an end point for the company which has already started with a view to export.


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