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Bride and sister argue about this wedding detail

Bride and sister argue about this wedding detail

The relationship between sisters is not always easy and even this bride, with her long history of difficult relationships, did not expect to be treated so disrespectfully on her wedding day.

In a post on the popular Reddit forum AITA, the 25-year-old newlywed says that her younger adopted sister always got her way because of her sister’s difficult childhood.

“When I was nine, my parents adopted my sister ‘Jen,’ who was seven at the time,” the woman says.

Sad and worried bride cries and argues with groom on wedding day
A 25-year-old newlywed tells the popular Reddit forum AITA why she kicked her sister out of her wedding. Sound photography –

“Jen was thin and scared because she was neglected. We did everything we could to make her feel loved. We bought her lots of toys. Everything Jen wanted, she got.

“I was so lucky to have a sister and I understood why my parents treated her special.”

“She had a tantrum”

But over the years the special treatment did not stop.

“If she didn’t get what she wanted, she would throw a tantrum. I still felt loved and cared for by my parents, but I was always second to Jen.

“As I got older, I did anything to get out of the house. I got my first job at 12. The DAY I turned 16, I took my driver’s test, and the day after that, I bought a car. I went to college across the country.”

She explains that since she is now independent and earning good money, she has decided to have a big and happy wedding with her fiancé “Kip”.

“We thought it would be fun to have a color scheme. My favorite color is yellow and his is blue, so my guests would wear yellow (or a touch of yellow on a neutral), his would wear blue, and mutual friends would wear green. I picked out a dress with green embroidered details and he picked out a boutonniere with green flowers.

“When Jen found out, she was furious. I didn’t know this, but she hates yellow because it ‘makes her look pale.’ She told me she would not wear yellow under any circumstances. I shrugged and said that was fine – I would just kick her out if she didn’t wear yellow.”

Months went by and there was no further discussion about the rule until Jen showed up on the big day – in a purple dress.

“I told her to leave immediately”

“I told her to leave immediately. The color scheme was perfect and she ruined it. Jen refused to leave until I threatened to call security.

“The rest of the wedding went smoothly, but afterward my parents were mad at me for kicking Jen out. I told them I warned her she would be kicked out if she didn’t stick to the color scheme, but they said they all thought it was a joke.

“They said it was cruel of me to kick my sister out over such a small thing. I told them it was MY wedding and I hosted it without their support, so I can kick out whoever I want.”

The woman said her fiancé, Kip, defended her decision and even told her parents they should be ashamed of the way they treated me. Since the wedding day, many of her family members and friends have expressed differing opinions.

“Some say they wouldn’t have even invited Jen if they were me, while others say I should have let it go.

“I invited Jen because she is family and I honestly thought she would be more mature.”

“Everyone else made it”

The post has been viewed thousands of times and many readers have an opinion on the sad situation.

One began, “It’s also telling to me that Jen seems to be the ONLY guest who had trouble with the color scheme. If everyone else got it right, it wasn’t that damn difficult.”

Another agreed, saying, “Make no mistake, this is exactly why your sister showed up in purple. pure maliceIf the color yellow was really the problem, she could have asked to wear blue. Instead, she showed up in purple with the express intention of upstaging the bride and groom and causing a scene, knowing full well that her parents would support her.

“Your parents have been shitty to you ever since your sister showed up. It’s time to confront them and your sister for their disgusting behavior and blatant favoritism.”

“It’s all about social media aesthetics”

However, some had a problem with the whole color scheme concept right from the start.

“I’m becoming the equivalent of a baby boomer because I’m nostalgic for the days when who was there mattered more than the color they wore (in this case, I don’t know why OP even invited her sister!). But it’s all about social media aesthetics!”

Another felt similarly about the strict rules and wondered if anyone else had been kicked out.

“I also find it strange that so much effort is put into making sure everyone fits the theme. It’s your wedding day. Do you really want to have to worry about checking clothing and calling security?

“Makes it seem like aesthetics are more important than the actual marriage part of your life.”

Let’s hope the sisters can put this behind them and build a healthier relationship.


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