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What is required for Remote First to work?

What is required for Remote First to work?

The pandemic triggered a radical shift in the way companies operate in terms of flexibility in where their employees choose to work. For some, this flexibility was a temporary measure, for others it became a permanent feature. Crunchbase, an AI-powered platform for discovering and connecting with innovative companies, is one of those companies. In her interview with me, Kelly Mendez-Scheib, Chief People Officer at Crunchbase, shares how the company successfully managed this transition to a remote-first solution.

The Remote-First Model: Defining Crunchbase’s Approach

Crunchbase describes itself as a remote-first company, a term that, Scheib points out, can have many interpretations. “We have two offices – one in Silicon Valley and a WeWork space in New York City,” she explains. “These are optional for employees; there’s no obligation to use them. It’s entirely up to the individual choice.”

This flexibility is a central aspect of Crunchbase’s remote-first strategy. The transition began during the pandemic when employees were asked to stay home. “Employees went home, started working from home, and it worked. They were happier and we saw increased productivity,” says Scheib. This positive result motivated Crunchbase to make remote work a permanent fixture.

Tackling challenges: onboarding and mentoring for junior employees

One of the biggest challenges of a remote-first model is effectively onboarding and mentoring junior employees. Some companies have returned to office work and cite difficulties in these areas. Scheib acknowledges these concerns but emphasizes Crunchbase’s proactive and targeted approach.

“We have a mentoring program that includes both functional and cross-functional mentoring,” she says. “We also have defined rules for communication, performance measurement and collaboration.” These initiatives are iterative and are continually refined to meet the needs of employees.

Crunchbase has also established “Crunchbase Bases” across the U.S. to facilitate employee collaboration and networking. These bases began as hubs but have expanded to provide more opportunities for in-person interactions. In addition, the company hosts weekly town hall meetings to foster a culture of transparency and ongoing engagement.

Scheib explains the mentoring program, saying it’s designed to address both the professional and social aspects of onboarding. “We make sure new employees have mentors from their teams to guide them through their daily tasks and responsibilities. At the same time, we provide mentors from other departments to help them build a wider network within the company,” she explains. This dual approach helps young employees feel supported and included, even if they’ve never set foot in the office.

Build trust and measure performance

Trust is a crucial aspect of remote work, and many managers struggle with this aspect. According to Microsoft surveys, 87% of managers struggle to trust the productivity of remote workers. Crunchbase addresses this problem by fostering a culture of good intentions and transparent performance metrics.

“We operate from a position of best intentions,” explains Scheib. “We measure performance using an OKR (Objectives and Key Results) system, which is common in the technology world. When employees achieve their goals, they are productive.” This approach shifts the focus from physical presence to actual performance and results.

Scheib stresses that the traditional mindset of equating productivity with time spent in the office is outdated. “For decades, employees have been working all over the world, and we managed to trust them back then. It’s about adapting to new ways of working and focusing on results rather than physical presence.”

To further build trust, Crunchbase ensures regular communication and feedback. Managers are trained to set clear expectations and provide continuous feedback, which helps employees meet company goals and feel valued for their contributions. “Regular one-on-ones, team check-ins, and performance reviews are part of our culture. This consistent communication helps bridge the gap that can arise from physical distance,” notes Scheib.

Cultivate a culture of transparency

At Crunchbase, transparency isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a practice embedded in the company’s DNA. “We host weekly town halls that all employees are invited to. These meetings are unique because they foster a sense of unity and keep everyone up to date on the company’s direction and performance,” says Scheib. Unlike the typical quarterly town halls at many companies, Crunchbase’s weekly meetings ensure employees are always in the loop.

Scheib believes this transparency is critical to a remote-first model. “When everyone is working remotely, it’s easy to feel isolated or disconnected from the larger mission. Our town halls are a platform where leadership shares updates, celebrates successes, and addresses any employee concerns,” she adds. This open communication helps maintain a strong company culture and aligns everyone toward common goals.

The future of remote work: flexibility and choice for employees

Looking ahead, Scheib sees a future where flexibility and choice for employees are paramount. “The pendulum will continue to swing back and forth between remote work and office work,” she predicts. “Employees will choose based on their needs and preferences, and employers will need to adapt to attract and retain talent.”

This adaptability is crucial, especially in industries where some tasks cannot be performed remotely. Scheib stresses the importance of treating and supporting all employees equally, regardless of their working arrangements. “It’s about fairness and making sure everyone, whether remote or in the office, feels valued and supported.”

Scheib also notes that the flexibility offered by remote work can accommodate employees’ different life stages and personal circumstances. “People make career choices based on their stage of life. For example, someone with young children might prefer the flexibility of remote work, while someone else thrives in an office environment. As employers, we need to offer options that meet these different needs.”


The shift to remote work is not just a tactical issue, but a transformative shift that requires adaptive leadership. Scheib’s insights underscore the importance of intention, trust, and continuous iteration to the success of remote-first work. As companies navigate this new landscape, Crunchbase’s insights offer valuable guidance on fostering a productive and engaged remote workforce, and I will be sharing these insights with client companies I help overcome frustrations with flexible work models.

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