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Man defended for skipping his brother’s dinner even though he was not invited to the wedding

Man defended for skipping his brother’s dinner even though he was not invited to the wedding

A man was defended online after he refused to attend his brother’s banquet because he was not invited to the older sibling’s wedding.

In a recent post shared on the popular Reddit forum “Am I The A**hole,” the 19-year-old man explained that he was not invited to his older sibling’s wedding because he was not old enough to drink alcohol. “His wife decided it would be inappropriate to invite anyone under the age of 21 to their wedding because alcohol would be served and she did not want ‘minors’ getting drunk at their wedding,” he wrote.

He said he didn’t find out until he was 18 that he wasn’t invited to the wedding and that being excluded “hurt him in some way.” The man said he even tried to change his brother’s mind, but it didn’t work.

“I asked them a few times to reconsider and they said no each time,” he explained. “I noticed they were getting annoyed after a while, so I just stopped complaining and stopped caring about their wedding in general.”

The Reddit user further shared that he was invited to dinner with his older brother and their family to celebrate the wedding, but he declined the invitation. Although he tried to explain the reason, the groom was upset with his younger brother’s decision to stay away from the event.

“When asked why, I gave everyone the same answer: ‘I didn’t see the need to celebrate something I wasn’t even invited to,'” he explained. “At the time, my parents didn’t say much and kind of respected my decision until my brother and his wife got upset at dinner when they realized I wasn’t there. I had already TOLD them I wasn’t coming, so I had no idea why they expected me to show up.”

After dinner, the groom and his new wife texted the younger sibling, saying, “They were upset that (he) couldn’t spare the time for the whole family to be there and celebrate with them.” The Reddit user ended his post by once again explaining his family’s thoughts on the situation.

“My parents are trying to remain neutral, but I think they think I’m wrong. They told me they understood why I didn’t go, but it wouldn’t have hurt me to go and celebrate with my brother, especially since I wasn’t the only one on our side who wasn’t invited,” the post continued.

He also clarified that two of his younger cousins, aged 13 and 15, attended the dinner. However, he claimed that “they didn’t really have a choice whether they wanted to go or not,” and said he was not the “only one” who chose not to go to dinner.

The Reddit post quickly went viral, garnering more than 16,000 upvotes. In the comments, several people not only defended the man’s decision to skip dinner, but also criticized the groom for not inviting his brother to the wedding just because he was 19.

“With all due respect, your brother is an idiot for allowing this behavior and his wife is acting so stupid. Not to mention you were 18, you were not a minor,” commented another Reddit user. “Not only was she stupid in making this decision, but assuming you would come to your brother’s wedding and get drunk is just disrespectful. I would be disappointed in my brother.”

“It was rude, hurtful, and stupid of them not to invite you,” another person wrote. “I also find it kind of ridiculous that they hosted a follow-up dinner to celebrate their wedding and demanded that everyone attend. Who does that? Their actual wedding and reception weren’t enough? I feel like they need to be the center of attention all the time.”

A third user agreed: “Even if he was underage, what, come on, 19? He’s his nuclear family, his brother. Immediate family is invited anyway. OP’s brother and sister-in-law owe him a huge apology.”


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