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Have wedding celebrations become too extravagant? (The Patrick Madrid Show)

Have wedding celebrations become too extravagant? (The Patrick Madrid Show)

Are modern wedding celebrations a little over the top? 🎂💍

So Bridget wrote to us and expressed her concerns about the way weddings are celebrated today. She is not keen on stag and hen parties in exotic locations, brides hiring professional stylists and couples asking for cash instead of gifts. Bridget believes these trends miss the true meaning of marriage.

Here is Patrick Madrid’s opinion:

🔸 A special day for both: Although we often hear about the bride’s special day, it is just as important for the groom. The whole “fairytale princess” idea may be a bit much, and our culture loves to take things to extremes.

🔸 Nice celebrations are ok: Everyone wants a beautiful wedding. Even in the Bible, weddings were joyful, big occasions. Think of the wedding at Cana (John 2), where Jesus turned water into wine. It was a huge celebration that lasted several days!

🔸 Be aware of Instagram’s influence 📸: Those extravagant hen parties in faraway countries? It’s the social media influencers’ fault. But let’s be honest: expecting bridesmaids to pay for flights and hotels is a bit much. Why not save the money for the wedding itself?

🔸 Bachelor party games: Fancy bachelor parties can sometimes lead to unchristian behavior. Maybe we should think about simpler, more meaningful ways of celebrating.

🔸 Asking for money: Sure, wedding registries are convenient, but asking for cash outright can feel a little tacky. In the past, some couples would do a fun “dollar dance” at the reception, where guests would pin money to the bride and groom’s clothing. It was a fun and less demanding way to help the newlyweds.

Weddings today come with a lot of pressure and high expectations. It is important to keep the focus on the sacrament and God’s role in this sacred union.

What do you think? Are weddings over the top or is this just the new normal?

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