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The tension in the Aguilar family increased due to Cazzu’s statements; Make sure you don’t support Nodal

The tension in the Aguilar family increased due to Cazzu’s statements; Make sure you don’t support Nodal

¿Pepe Aguilar was haunted by his colleagues? (PHOTO: EDGAR NEGRETE LIRA/CUARTOSCURO.COM)
¿Pepe Aguilar was haunted by his colleagues? (PHOTO: EDGAR NEGRETE LIRA/CUARTOSCURO.COM)

Tuvieron que pasar tan solo 1as horas para que Christian Nodal saliera en defense de Angela Aguilar tras las declarations de Cazzusu expareja.

The Argentine Interpreter has been kept quiet for the past five months, although the Interpreter’s youngest entrepreneur has read “What a torture” in its published version and received various confirmations from the teenage daughter Pepe Aguilar.

During Mireya Villarreal’s visit, the integrator of the Aguilar dynasty had to point out that the parties involved had recently left him; Also, make sure you are clear about your relationship before deciding over time.

Everything was involucrados sabían ello, before it went public”, expressed.

This has been official in recent months, there has been speculation about when the romance between Aguilar and Nodal will come. Photo: Jesus Avilés
Over the past few months, there has been speculation about when the romance between Aguilar and Nodal will come. Photo: Jesus Avilés

Days after her statements went viral, Cazzu I don’t know how important it is to go beyond the boundaries of the YouTube channel LUZU TV, Record that I overwhelmed him with my feelings and confirm that this was not the last time I met Nadie.

Pese a que the Argentina nunca mencionó no bres de las personas involucradas, aclaró que setrataba de su expareja, padre de su primogenita Inti, y la persona con la quien hoy share su vida.

Meanwhile, the controversy over these being the last versions to do with the parts involved is the name of the game Pepe Aguilar like one of the principales involucrados.

Recently the program has been broadcast Chisme No LikeElisa Beristain and Javier Ceriani said about the triple love that existed but revealed new information.

Pepe Aguilar and Christian Nodal are the two“, aseguraron.

Yes, I agree: “It is a moment of greatest delicacy because it is Cazzu sitting in the llamas of Pepe Aguilar y le pidió a Ángela Aguilar que le dijera a su esposo que saliera aclarar que no es the amante and limpiara the imagen of his hisja“

Pepe Aguilar. (Photo: IG)
Pepe Aguilar. (Photo: IG)

On the other hand, I also pointed out that one of the reasons why Christian Nodal’s family did not notice the young interpreter was because the relationship with him could not be ended.

Nodal’s mother knew that Ángela Aguilar had to destroy her child Por eso la hermana de Nodal no fue a la boda. “Cristi has more affinity with Cazzu,” confirmed.


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