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Peñarol moved to Botafogo, but lost the chance to win the Milagro and was eliminated from the Copa Libertadores

Peñarol moved to Botafogo, but lost the chance to win the Milagro and was eliminated from the Copa Libertadores

Con la misma esencia que se vivió en el Monumental de Núñez, donde los hinchas de River Plate Improvise a spectacular effect using pirotechnics to motivate the players who have to remount them 3-0 draw in Brazil against Atlético Mineirodel otro lado del Rio de la Plata los fanáticos de Penarol Interpret a similar action to motivate the men you lead Diego AguirreThe Debian conseguir el milagro de revertir la humillante goleada (5-0) sufrida en Rio de Janeiro against el Botafogo.

A scenario with more capacity 60,000 personasel mitítico Centenario Albergó the second semi-final of the Torneo with the highest coding of America. Facing an encounter with the due homeowners opposite the worldwide marker, the Charrúas intended to abuse the conditions of the first movers to travel there from the relatives Leonardo Fernández and Damián García que no lograron el deseado.

On the contrary, go de Artur Jorge Torres Gomes Araujo Amorim Respondiron with balones detenidos ejecutados por Alex Telles que pusieron en jaque al arco defends por Washington Aguerre. In the scenario where accommodation comes first Copa del Mundo If you breathe while playing soccer, the marker stays intact. Without embargo once the Chilean currency is reached Piero Maza Estaba por alcanzar la primera media hora, Jaime Baez Dominate with the Pecho and enchant with a Golazo from another galaxy to be out of options John.

La inyeccion anímica fue notoria. The stadium was converted by an enemy and a few moments after the first capture, Guzman Rodriguez There was a cabezazo in the palo that could be derived into the second grito after the carambola that animaroned it Jefferson Savarino j Marlon Freitasdado que una series de rebotes puto con las cuerdas al Botafogo. Luckily for Brazil, the game is just a few centimeters away.

It happened when the players were conducting the Vestuarios. Aguerre entered into the provocation John And I will fight with the strength to attack my opponent. How the Hecho happened in front of the mirada del árbitro Andino, Piero Maza Do not try to drive out the Arquero Carbonero j Penarol Debió before adding an inferior number. An inexplicable situation for a team that has the ambition to reach the final. Para la segunda etapa, Guillermo De Amores enter and reemplazo de Damian Garciabut for the fact that the spectacle is ya estaba desvirtuado.

A pesar de las constantes adversidades, el Manya Apeló a la characterística garra charrúa y siguió recortando distances a puro orgullo. Fast delivery and free approval (other time) a Jaime Baez Capitalize on the Desatenciones Defensivas de la Visita y Sellar el 2 a 0. Ademas, Mateo Ponte Watch the second orange map until the evening sky rests against the sky. Peñarol’s main rival was in charge as he scored three goals in just 15 minutes.

Tuvo que ingresar Thiago Almada to escape the fantasmas of descuento. El volante surgido de Velez Marcó el descuento para dilapidar la esperanza Uruguaya, aunque en el final Facundo Batista sell el 3 a 1 So that the combination of Diego Aguirre can cope with a picture of him.

Botafogopor su parte, afrontará The first final in its history in the Copa Libertadores. Close by Saturday November 30th This applies to the definition of the two Brazilian teams. Yel Atletico Mineiro Look for a repeat you received 2013cuando derrotó a Olympia de Paraguay y levantó sunica conquista continental.


stadium: Centenario (Montevideo)

Arbitro: Piero Maza (Chile)

Hora: 21.30

TV: Fox Sports and Disney+


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