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With the Legada del otoño, we repeat one of the rituals with the most characteristics of the year: the cambio de hora. It is a small change to the clocks, but it is insignificant and has a big impact on people and also on the economy. El Adjust the Horario de InviernoOnce you can improve natural light and optimize energy consumption, this is the reason for debate among experts and the possible health effects.

Has the hour changed in Spain?

In 2024 the city was marked for the Madrugada from October 26th to 27th. At 3:00 a.m. the clock was set back one hour I returned at 2:00 am. In the Canary Islands, as in summer, the change was produced an hour before, from 2:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Para muchos, Technology consists of work: Mobile phones, cell phones and other devices connected to the Internet automatically switch to the hour because you don’t have to worry about creating a configuration manual. Without embargo, go Analogue clocks Traditionally, since the connection is not required, intervention is required to ensure that the hour is correct. In any case it is recommended Reviser The devices serve to avoid confusion or to resist despair.

In the EU, change is regulated by law Europe Directive You must establish a common week and a timetable for the beginning and the end of the year, with the proposal to authorize the hours of natural light as much as possible. Since the age of 70, watches have been adjusted in European countries a few years ago. In the case of Spain this change is the case program by 2026 at the latest, As the Ministerial Order indicates, the Fechas de allos los cambios hasta entonces are described in detail.

The change of hour and sleep – Ver ahora

Would you like to see the clock?

So, what took an hour longer or less? It is common that you need to adjust the clocks, but your response is late. With the change to the Horario de Invierno, The clock is atrasathis means an extra hour for your child. This is a great time Until March 30th Next year when you register again to register the hourly horizon of the year.

While I sleep as quickly as good news in a time when smart criminals and devices were connected to automatic setting of the hour, our machines adapt to the change of hour faster than we come. Look at the clock Effects on our biological clockIt is an internal mechanism that controls the bike cycle and respects natural light. Once the watch is on during the ambient clock, it is common You feel more irritable and suffer from insomnia, fatigue or difficulty concentrating. According to the Sociedad Española del Sueño (SES), the adjustment to the new hour may be delayed Hasta diez diasHowever, there is a different function of the person and the habit that does not last more than a day. Los children and the personas mayores son los Groups are most at riskjunto a quienes padecen trastornos del sueño.

However, there is no risk that the interactions are unlawful. Según la SES, the cambio al horario de invierno es Less disruptive than summer. If you set the clock back for an hour, it’s best to set it to the natural light and dark cycle, whichever is easier for you A desperate man who is becoming more and more insane. Esto promueve un Ritmo biological more stable They can improve intellectual performance and reduce the burden of obesity, depression and cardiovascular problems.

Advice on adapting to the change in hours

Para Minimize the negative effects After the hour change, experts recommend changing something in the last few days:

  • Adjust your child’s time gradually: The change can be made 15 to 30 minutes before going to bed and getting up the previous day to make it easier to adjust the room.
  • Modificar paulatinemente el Horario de comida: If you know the moment when you enter the new hour, you can enjoy the usual stay.
  • Exponer a la Light solar From the side: Be sure to synchronize the biological clock with the natural light and dark cycle.
  • Avoid the cafethe energetic drinks or the drinks and alcohol before bed: a more complete scan is possible
  • Mantener and others Rutina stable: The regular hours to come into the apartment and sleep are essential so that the house is not lost.
  • Alejarse de las screens Before going to bed: The light has a negative effect on the environment

Ademas, el ejercicio moderado In the first hours of the day and one day Food balance With foods containing vitamin C and magnesium, such as citrus fruits, sparkling fruits and asparagus, your habits that can make everyday life better.

¿Really, you lack energy?

In recent years I have pushed the debate to the point where it should take place every two years. In 2018, the European Commission submitted an application Eliminate the hour changes I allow you to observe the period of the year or winter permanently each year. The 84% of European citizens have reacted concretely, 93% of Spaniards voted for a favor. The initiative comes without an embargo paralizada due to lack of consent between states. The experts insist that the hour of invierno is the most beneficial for health in Spain and that they prefer a greater correspondence between the salinity and the start of the start of the laboratory and studies.

One of the arguments for changing the hours is the lack of energy. The Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE) estimates that el Ahorro potential with the cambios de horario podría alcanzar los 300 milliones From Euro in lighting, lo que representaría alrededor del 5% of the total consumption, pero son Estimates Some old estudios consider that the real impact is minimal, especially in a context where the population’s lifestyle has changed and energy consumption is so high that they do not depend on artificial lighting. Others inform you that you can make the best use of this practice Beneficioso for the empresas. Según a public consultation by the European Commission in 2018 to facilitate planning and simplify hour-dependent applications.

Is this the last change of the hour?

Due to the rumors that circulated every year, There are no planes to eliminate the hour change en Spain. Europe’s directive is followed from time to time and political changes continue. Los españoles seguirán ajustando These watches are already available last year in 2026.


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