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Ukiah – The KUKI sale revisited – The Ukiah Daily Journal

Ukiah – The KUKI sale revisited – The Ukiah Daily Journal

Anyone over the age of 14 probably remembers the daily “KUKI Sale” that aired on AM 1400 radio in the mornings.

It was pronounced “Cookie” Sale and hosted by a number of DJs, also known as on-air personalities, including the likes of Bruce Williams, Jim Cool, Kathleen Stone, Jeff Mullins, Roe Edmunds and a half dozen others.

The KUKI sale was old-fashioned, down-to-earth and highly entertaining. I never understood why it was discontinued and I will never understand why it cannot be reinstated.

The KUKI sale went something like this:

DJ: Good morning and welcome to the KUKI sale. This is Chuck Savage and I’ll be with you until noon. Now we’ll take the first caller, Earl from Potter Valley. Please, Earl.

Yes, this is Earl from Potter Valley and I have fresh peaches for sale, fifty cents a pound, six dollars a bushel. Fresh from here in Potter Valley, out on Burris Lane. Call me or come to the farmers market on Sundays.

DJ: Thanks, Earl, and next we have Laureen from Comptche. Laureen, did you say you have a piano for sale?

That’s right, Chuck. I have a piano and four snow tires. The piano is a Bristol Heritage Schoolmaster and we had it tuned a month ago. I’d like a hundred dollars for that and $15 a piece for the snow tires, or you can have all four for $50.

DJ: Sounds like a good deal, Laureen, and good luck with the piano. Our next caller is Marge here in Ukiah. Please, Marge.

Thank you Chuck and I just want to say how much I am enjoying the KUKI sale and your Blast From the Past show this weekend. Our dog Molly had a litter of six purebred Golden Retriever puppies that all look just like her and they are free to give to good homes. They are eight weeks old, vaccinated and wormed. Six little puppies. Come by the Safeway parking lot on Sunday from 12-3pm. And thank you all.

DJ: Julia? Julia from Maple Drive is next.

Yes, and by now everyone in town knows that my crappy husband went to Reno with his sleazy teenage girlfriend. So I have free golf clubs, a Harley Davidson that I’d like $50 for, and 49ers season tickets. Those are free too. Big yellow house in Maple; come and get whatever you want.

DJ: Phew! Uhh, now we’re going to take a break and go to the mailbag where you can mail a KUKI sale item to the station here on KUKI Lane in Ukiah. First comes a message from Mabel in Calpella, and Mabel says she needs a ride to Healdsburg this coming weekend to visit her grandson with a broken leg. Mabel says she can pay $3 and help with gas. Call her at 462-8VX5.

Next, Fred has a ’55 Nash Rambler on West Road in Redwood Valley that he would like $200 for. Runs well, V-6, green.

And Michelle from Boonville writes to say she would like to learn to knit and can pay up to $1.50 an hour for lessons. Michelle is 14 and will come to your home on weekends. Call Michelle for details.

Now back to the phone lines, where we have Maurice in Hopland.

Yes, hello? This is Maurice and I live down in Hopland. I fell off a ladder last week while painting my garage and need someone to finish the job. Small garage, 16×20 and I had just started when I fell and hurt my back.

I’ll pay $35 for someone to come and do the rest. I have paint, brushes and ladder. Call me…

DJ: Next up we have Hazel from Golden Rule Ranch up on the Willits tier. Hi Hazel and welcome to the KUKI sale!

Thank you! I have raw organic milk here at the ranch for 40 cents a gallon. Goat and cow milk, raw and organic. Bring your own sterilized glass container and it’s 40 cents a gallon. Thank you. We also have a selection of cheeses and baby goats for adoption. Thank you.


DJ: So, good morning to everyone here at Radioland. We have the KUKI sale where we’re taking your calls and notes right after a word from VAPE-O-COMA and our friends at TatTuna Ink, Piercings and Body Art.

DJ: OK, our first caller is Obama O’Brien from Leggett. What’s up, Obama?

Hey, this is O-Man, North County and I’m looking to buy old abandoned polytunnels to set up a visitor park on my property. I’ll give half a pound for polytunnels in good condition. Thanks bro!

DJ: Our next caller, Angie Antifa in Philo. Angie, you’re speaking!

Hey Bizzy! I love your show. I’m giving away a coupon for $100 off a piercing at Tattoonatics salon. Call me or stream your weeble.

DJ: Thanks, Angie, and that reminds me: Here at KUKI we have two tickets for the Rolling Stones show tonight at Carl Purdy Hall. We’re giving them to the first caller with the answer to KUKI’s question of the day:

Ready? OK, today’s question is: “Which KUKI DJ who used to host the KUKI sale is still here at the station and is actually the boss? The first caller with the answer will receive tickets to the Stones’ Feeble Infirmity tour tonight at the fairgrounds.”

Tom Hine wrote it, TWK gets the credit or the blame.

Originally published:


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