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Hurricane Milton hit Category 5 and reached speeds of 265 km/h

Hurricane Milton hit Category 5 and reached speeds of 265 km/h

Meteorological observations in Milton: The new Atlantic monster with destructive powers (Captura Fox Weather)
Meteorological observations in Milton: The new Atlantic monster with destructive powers (Captura Fox Weather)

El Hurray, MiltonThis happened in the same category as it was in the center of the atención. With speeds at 265 km/h (165 mph), this circle is described as follows: “monstruo” from various meteorologists. The update only recently took place Centro Nacional de Huracanes Around 5 p.m., Milton has extremely intensely and definitely consolidated an inner core. Fox Weather’s meteorologist, Bryan NorcrossIt is explained that the increase in the category must be done primarily with the analysis of the latest satellite images. Destacó que the estructura de Milton, with its characteristic form of “donut” in the ojo del Huracan, it is typical of the cyclones more than two people, like the fifth category.

Norcross also points out that the Huracán has reached a central minimum pressure level 918 millibarsYou can see how much energy is stored in the system. However, it was made clear that low pressure should no longer be implemented as intensively, and that if a hurricane were to expand in the future, the energy would be distributed over a metropolitan area. It is a place where a few days ago the Milton family wanted to expand further and continue their path into nature.

Hurricane Milton is currently in category 5 (X/ @conagua_clima)
Hurricane Milton is currently in category 5 (X/ @conagua_clima)

El Hurray, Milton I made a single attempt to move it in the right direction este-noreste a speed of 14 km/h (9 mph). This change in your field led to an uncertain result about the earth, so you had to reach the meteorologist and then check for any update. Bryan Norcrossde Fox weatherWhen he believed that Milton wanted to attend the “Zona de Incertidumbre” project, he was also referred to as “Cono de Trayectoria” and eventually had to withdraw him to his course.

The prostitute indicated that Milton continued his advance, gradually weakening, until he neared the shore Floridabut they are being manipulated like a hurricane mayor At a speed of 241 km/h (150 mph) on the peninsula. Global forecast models, such as American yel europeanhan mostrado ligeras variaciones en la trayectoria, sugiriendo que the quarmenta podría splazarse a poco more hacia el sur o the norte, lo que afectaría las areas Impactadas por el oleaje Yes read marejadas ciclónicas.

After you make your way up, you need to monitor the monitor closely Center of the HuracanYou must determine the mayor’s impact zones and the level of devastation.

Aunque el Hurray, Milton Come to the conclusion that the intensity must be so high before the first stage campo de viento se esta expandiendo de manera significativalo que representa un mayor peligro para las zonas costeras de Florida. Segun Fox weatherImpact speed is expected to be reduced to 201 km/h (125 mph), el Area of ​​influence of the Huracanado-Vienten Duplicating it all at once means more people are affected and have a mayor marejadas ciclónicas.

The meteorologist Bryan Norcross Explain that torture is a contributing factor and that a major hurricane can put more water in the air by increasing the temperature Riesgo de Inundaciones In a larger area. Además, aunque the vientos can debilarse, the extension of campo de campo suggests that the huracan mantendrá a high level of peligro durante su passo the península.

The combination of vientos fuertes, marejadas The expansion of the affected area transformed Milton into a significant ministry, including weakening him at his core. The authorities are on alert and the regulator will finally abandon them ojo del huracan To determine the areas where vulnerabilities are greatest.

Potential impacts in Florida

Scott Pepperman (in town) and his son Cobi even prepared to evacuate his home when Hurricane Milton made landfall in New Port Richey, Florida, EEUU. October 8, 2024. REUTERS/Octavio Jones
Scott Pepperman (in town) and his son Cobi even prepared to evacuate his home when Hurricane Milton made landfall in New Port Richey, Florida, EEUU. October 8, 2024. REUTERS/Octavio Jones

El Hurray, Milton amenaza la península de Floridawith implications for the future Costa Osteste during the Madrugada. When it came time for the hurricane to make landfall, a destructive fire followed. The mayor wasn’t the only one who harassed people, but also had the opportunity to have them marejadas ciclónicas Relevant, especially in areas with lower and vulnerable people such as: Charlotte County j Fort Myers.

This type of sea can pour large amounts of water into the interior, causing flooding in the forests and coastlines. Authorities have been advertising in various locations because the impact could be on a large portion of the state, especially with Milton making its way and expanding along the way.

Preventive evacuations and preparatory medicines have been intensified as the effects of torture extend even further and reach into the following zones OrlandoDonde se esperan ráfagas de viento intenses y luvias torrenciales.

FILE PHOTO: Traffic is backed up on Interstate 275 South as residents evacuate St. Petersburg, Florida, ahead of Hurricane Milton, U.S., October 7, 2024. REUTERS/Octavio Jones/File Photo
FILE PHOTO: Traffic is backed up on Interstate 275 South as residents evacuate St. Petersburg, Florida, ahead of Hurricane Milton, U.S., October 7, 2024. REUTERS/Octavio Jones/File Photo
FILE PHOTO: A satellite image shows the progress of Hurricane Milton ahead of its expected landfall in Florida in the Gulf of Mexico on October 8, 2024. CIRA/NOAA/Handout via REUTERS THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY./File photo
FILE PHOTO: A satellite image shows the progress of Hurricane Milton ahead of its expected landfall in Florida in the Gulf of Mexico on October 8, 2024. CIRA/NOAA/Handout via REUTERS THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY./File photo

The projects are based on the exact effect Hurray, Milton Some differences were generated between them meteorological models used. Go global modelslike el American (GFS) y el european (ECMWF), headquarters of the district transport authority is even larger than that, which could further impact the impact Fort Myers j Charlotte County. These models are close to the hurricane’s initial intensity and are at higher elevations than observed throughout the period.

On the other hand, the high-resolution models that have taken Milton’s largest size are incapable of further destroying the North. There are more areas on the peninsula. These projects are based on a more precise print of 918 million, which implies A torment that is more powerful and expansive. This divergence in forecasts has led meteorologists to suggest a possible expansion of the impact area. This means more places are on the coast.

Until the hurricane was finished, you had to spend the next hour adjusting the prostheses and determining them with the utmost precision Central Milton Tocará tierra y qué regionales de Florida sufrirán las peores consecuencias.

A gasoline engine is evacuated without combustibles before residents are evacuated ahead of the Hurricane Milton mission in San Petersburg, Florida, United States, October 7, 2024. REUTERS/Octavio Jones/Photo
A gasoline engine is sucked in without flammable materials as residents are evacuated ahead of Hurricane Milton Mission in San Petersburg, Florida, United States, October 7, 2024. REUTERS/Octavio Jones/Photo


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