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Piden renounces Honduran President after anesthesia video – DW – 07.09.2024

Piden renounces Honduran President after anesthesia video – DW – 07.09.2024

More than a millar de Hondureños gathered on 09/06/2024 in a movement with lawyers to end the abdication of the president of the country, Xiomara Castro, by the disclosure of a video related to the narcotráfico that brought her to Gobierno The refund of the extradition sentence to the EE.UU.

During the March to the Pacific, surrounded by opposition politicians and the Ejército Ciudadano de Paz, blessed by a boulevard at the top of the Honduran capital, the demonstrators called for the “rapture” of Castro and their confidants.

Equipped with white, blue and assorted T-shirts, the country’s assistants are sent out with “Fuera el familión”, “Aquí no es Venezuela”, “Libre nunca más” and “Si a la extradición” and placed on a large card with the image of Castro and the message: “Renuncia ya”.

Fernando Anduray, leader of the Partido Nacional, announced in Honduras on September 9, 2010 that he had agreed with the Partido Libre del Poder.

“If Xiomara (Castro) gives up, he tends to also renounce the junta of commanders of the Fuerzas Armadas, and his renunciation assumes that he is involved in the drug crackdown,” Anduray said.

On Tuesday, the state-run organization InSight Crimen published a video that I had to show to a Honduran drug trafficker featuring Carlos Zelaya, Castro’s boss and boss of President Manuel Zelaya, who was deposed in June 2009.

In this video, Devis Leonel Rivera Maradiaga, a defector from the Los Cachiros cartel, proposed a son to the Libertad y Refundación (Libre) and said that Carlos Zelaya replied: “The order is for the commander” and was passed on to President Zelaya.

Carlos Zelaya admitted on August 31 to reuniting with drug traffickers who had provided him with money for the Free Libertad campaign and announced his resignation as deputy and secretary of the Honduran Parliament on the same day.

Delivery returned to EE.UU.

The Honduran president condemned for the fourth time the “regrettable mistake” of his boss Carlos Zelaya when he reunited with drug dealers for the Liberal Party’s campaign in 2013, reiterating that he confessed to a coup in return.

“I believe that a member of our party has made a regrettable mistake without having communicated it to the coordinator, the candidate and the party, we have committed it, we regret our efforts or negotiations between politicians and drug traffickers, we do not agree and we do not permit it”, subrayó Castro in a public act.

Among those taking part in the rally were retired people who took the state ball against Manuel Zelaya and Romeo Vásquez, who called on Hondureños to prevent the country from being “siga en do en fango”.

Enfatizó que la antorcha que portaba simboliza “la luz con la oscuridad en la que nos tien is gobierno, la verdad con the mental, la ruta hacia la libertad and la justicia, y la lucha contra the narcoactividad porque this Gobierno it a narcogobierno”.

The rally also called for redress of the extradition penalty to the United States for allowing Honduras to extradite more than 50 Hondurans, mainly for drug trafficking.

“The Zelaya family has chosen the cause that faced criticism because it eliminated extradition and cleared the way for drug traffickers,” said Rashid Mejía, president of the organization “One Voice for Honduras.”

The Honduran government announced this on August 28 at the EE.UU reception. Laura Dogu, the decision to terminate the extradition treaty between two countries after the state conspirator entered them, expressed the concern of her country due to the reunification of the defense authorities of Honduras with the sanctioned Defense Minister of Venezuela, Vladimir Padrino López.

The mobilization ended shortly before the presidential inauguration and was protected by elements of the Policía Nacional.

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The Honduran police are monitoring the cases

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